
Showing posts from October, 2010

To Disappear Completely

"Nothing could be seen whole or read from the start to finish. What was seen begun -like two friends starting to meet each other across the street - was never seen ended. After twenty minutes the body and mind were like scraps of torn paper tumbling from a sack, and, indeed, the process of motoring fast out London so much resembles the chopping up small of identity which precedes unconsciousness and perhaps death itself that it is an open question in what sense Orlando can be said to have existed at the present moment" Virginia Woolf, Orlando: A Biography, 217 (quoted by A. Assmann, Das Ordnen der Zeit, 178)

La Concha

"¡Ciudad ya tan lejana! Lejana junto al mar: tardes de puerto y desamparo errante de los muelles. Se obstinarán crecientes las mareas por las horas de allá. Y serán un rumor, un pálpito que puja endormeciéndose: cuando asoman las luces de la noche sobre el mar. Más, cada vez más honda conmigo vas, ciudad, como un amor hundido, irreparable. A veces ola y otra vez silencio." Jaime Gil de Biedma, Las Afueras


Menschenwürde und menschliche Natur Ein Vortrag des Professor Robert Spaemanns. (Die Wartezeit inklusiv)

Eine Unterbrechung


Das farbige Pamplona




Fake Plastic Sun

"A green plastic watering can, for a fake chinese rubber plant in the fake plastic earth, that she bought from a rubber man in a town full of rubber plans, to get rid of itself" Radiohead,  Fake Plastic Trees "The world is my idea: this is a truth which holds good for everything that lives and knows, though man alone can bring it into reflective and abstract consciousness. If he really does this, he has attained to philosophical wisdom. It then becomes clear and certain to him what he knows is not a sun and an earth, but only an eye that sees a sun, a hand that feels an earth. . ." Arthur Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (citado por J.L. Borges en A New Refutation of Time)

